Saturday, 26 September 2015

International Days

We will be celebrating somehow certain international days through special activities and discussions in our lessons, according to the following calendar:

17th of October: the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty;
20th of November: World Day of Prevention of Child Abuse & the Rights of Boys & Girls;
1st of December: World AIDS Day;
10th of December: Human Rights World Day;
30th of January: School Day of No-violence & Peace;
8th of March: International Women’s day;
15th of March: World Consumer Rights Day;
21st of March: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;
7th of April: The World Health Day;
23rd of April: International Book Day
5th of June: World Environment Day.

Please mark those dates on your diaries.

Welcome to our blog

Dear Students,

I would like to welcome you all to this new blog! As a teacher, I’m excited about the opportunity to get to know better each of you, and I’m looking forward to making you enjoy a happy, effective and productive school year.

We NEED effective communication in English, no matter we live in Trujillo, Torrecillas de la Tiesa, Madroñera or in any other location, because we must not forget that we are PART OF TODAY'S SOCIETY and the society of the XXIst century is characterised by three fundamental features, did you know that? first, globalisation; second, massive usage of technologies of information and communication; and last but not least, ‘multilinguismLet's live together this bilingual experience!
