Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Saint Valentine's Day: 14th February 2016.

Saint Valentine's Day: 14th February 2016. 

  The bilingual students of the 3º year have made two human hearts with cardboard explaining the different parts, (chambers, valves, arteries and veins)) and the direction of blood inside the heart. Besides, knowledge about circulatory system has been reinforced using the blackboard of  the class: a big heart has been drawn on it as well. Finally we put both cards on the wall.

Blanca Murillo Murillo. Biology teacher.                          

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Describing Monuments

The House of the Royal Weight of Chavez Cardenas

The house is located in the Main Square near the old town hall, next to the palace of the Conquest and the Royal Prison.
I would like to explain this monument because it was a very important building in the Middle Ages and it has a typical medieval architecture.
This building belonged to the Chávez-Cárdenas family and it was built in the XVIth century. It is famous because it was the ancient house of weight and the most common cereals were wheat, barley, corn and so on.
The reason for its location is that the weekly market took place in the Main Square.
Nowadays, we can’t find the original constructions because in the XVIIth century it was modified.
The most representative architectural elements are: two twisted solomonic columns capped with two gothic pinnacles. It also has gothic Isabelline windows and a balcony with graceful corbels, that are typical in the Moorish epoch.
It is believed that Felipe II slept in this house instead of sleeping in the house of Chains.

Its interior cannot be visited, we can only admire the façade.

Written by Almudena Ácedo
 2nd year student of Tourism Vocational Training

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Saint Patrick's Day as an American Holiday

On March 17th, people all over the world will be celebrating St Patrick's Day. I'm not sure Irish people living in Ireland will appreciate their national day being described as an 'American holiday', but apart from that, this video gives a good overview of everybody's favourite green festival. For more St Patrick's Day resources, see below.


LITERATURE: George Bernard Shaw Comic Strip

Click image to view full comic
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was an Irish playwright. He wrote over 60 plays and is the only person to have received both a Nobel prize (for Literature) and an Academy Award (for Adapted Screenplay).
After deciding to become a writer, Shaw was supported financially by his mother and by the time he was 25, had completed three novels. But guess what? They were huge failures and no publishers bought them. Shaw found work as a music and theatre critic, while taking up playwriting in his spare time. His most well-known plays include Caesar and Cleopatra, Major Barbara, Man and Superman, Saint Joan and Pygmalion (which was turned into the musical My Fair Lady).
The quote used in the comic is taken from a lecture Shaw delivered titled Art and Public Money. Thanks to reader Gustavo for submitting the quote.

Theodore Roosevelt: The Man in the Arena
George Mallory: Because it’s There
Jack London: I’d Rather be Ashes Than Dust

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

British Council Contest: "Shakespeare and me"

Two of our students of the fourth year of CSE (BILINGUAL Section) are participating in a British Council Contest: "Shakespeare and me". The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. Leila and Beatriz need promotion and "likes" to win, so, if you like their videowork (I can tell you both are really good presentations of Shakespeare), click on LIKE.


More information about the contest: here.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Convocatoria de inmersiones lingüísticas en lengua inglesa en Extremadura 2016

Se ha publicado la Resolución de 4 de marzo de 2016, de la Secretaría General de Educación, por la que se convocan, durante el verano de 2016, inmersiones lingüísticas en lengua inglesa en Extremadura para el alumnado de 6º curso de Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria obligatoria y Bachillerato de centros sostenidos con fondos públicos de Extremadura al amparo del Programa de Inmersiones lingüísticas del alumnado de enseñanzas no universitarias obligatorias y postobligatorias de Extremadura (PILEx), cofinanciado por la Consejería de Educación y Empleo de la Junta de Extremadura y el Fondo Social Europeo 2014-2020, y se establecen los requisitos, criterios de prioridad y procedimiento de adjudicación de las mismas. 

Se puede descargar la Resolución de convocatoria a través del siguiente enlace: 

Plazo de solicitudes: 8 - 18 de marzo en las secretarías de los centros. 

Advertida una pequeña errata en una de las quincenas incluidas en el Anexo I-C para 1º de Bachillerato de esta Resolución, les informamos que se ha publicado una versión corregida que se pueden descargar del mismo enlace que les enviamos anteriormente: